An Agency Relationship Can Be Established by Express Agreement


An agency relationship, also known as a principal-agent relationship, is an arrangement in which one party (the agent) acts on behalf of and for the benefit of another party (the principal). This type of relationship can be established in various ways, including by express agreement. In this article, we will explore what an express agreement is, its significance in establishing an agency relationship, and some crucial things to consider when creating an express agreement.

An express agreement is a legally binding contract or oral agreement between the principal and the agent that explicitly outlines the terms and conditions of their relationship. It could also be a written agreement or other form of communication, such as an email or text message. In an express agreement, both parties agree to perform specific tasks, obligations, or duties within the scope of the agency relationship.

When it comes to establishing an agency relationship, an express agreement can be a powerful tool to ensure that all parties involved understand their roles and responsibilities. It can help mitigate potential misunderstandings and disputes that may arise in the future. Moreover, an express agreement ensures that the agency relationship is established on a legally binding basis.

There are some key elements that should be included in an express agreement to establish the agency relationship properly. These include:

1. Identification of the parties involved: The express agreement should identify the principal and the agent involved in the agency relationship. This information should be clear and unambiguous.

2. The scope of the agency relationship: The express agreement should define the scope of the agency relationship and the specific tasks or duties the agent is authorized to perform on behalf of the principal.

3. The duration of the agency relationship: The express agreement should also state the duration of the agency relationship, whether it is a temporary or permanent arrangement.

4. Compensation: The express agreement should outline the compensation the agent will receive for their services, including any commission or fees involved.

5. Confidentiality: The express agreement should include provisions to protect the confidentiality of any sensitive information shared between the principal and the agent during the course of the agency relationship.

In conclusion, an agency relationship can be established by express agreement, which provides clarity and a legally binding basis for the parties involved. When creating an express agreement, it is essential to consider all relevant factors, including the elements mentioned above. By having a well-drafted express agreement, both the principal and the agent can enjoy a successful and beneficial agency relationship.
