How to Cancel a Wifi Contract with Telkom


Canceling a Wi-Fi contract can be a daunting experience, especially if you are unsure of the steps involved. If you are a Telkom customer and need to cancel your Wi-Fi contract, you can do so by following a few simple steps. In this article, we will guide you through the process of canceling your Wi-Fi contract with Telkom.

Before initiating the cancellation process, you need to ensure that you have fulfilled all the requirements of your contract, such as paying any outstanding fees or returning any equipment provided by Telkom. Failure to fulfill these obligations may result in additional charges or penalties.

Once you have fulfilled all the requirements of your contract, you can cancel your Wi-Fi contract in the following ways:

1. Contact Telkom Customer Service

The first step to canceling your Wi-Fi contract is to contact Telkom customer service. You can do this by calling the Telkom customer service hotline or by visiting a Telkom store near you. When contacting customer service, ensure that you have your account number and other relevant details handy. Explain to the customer service representative that you want to cancel your Wi-Fi contract and provide them with any necessary information.

2. Submit a Cancellation Request Online

If you prefer to cancel your Wi-Fi contract online, you can submit a cancellation request through the Telkom website. Log in to your Telkom account and find the cancellation request form. Fill in the required details and submit the form. A Telkom representative will contact you to confirm the cancellation and provide you with any necessary instructions.

3. Send a Written Request

You can also cancel your Wi-Fi contract by sending a written request to Telkom. Your written request should include your account number, the reason for cancellation, and any necessary information. You can send the request via email or regular mail. Once Telkom receives your request, they will review it and contact you to confirm the cancellation.


Canceling a Wi-Fi contract with Telkom may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn`t have to be. By following the steps outlined above, you can cancel your contract without any hassle. Remember to fulfill all the requirements of your contract before initiating the cancellation process to avoid any additional charges or penalties. If you have any questions or concerns, don`t hesitate to contact Telkom customer service for assistance.
