Lot Line Window Agreement


As a homeowner, have you ever heard of a lot line window agreement? If you haven`t, it`s important to learn about this agreement as it could significantly impact your property and its value.

A lot line window agreement is a legal document that sets forth the rights of property owners with regard to windows that overlook their neighboring properties. This agreement is typically created when two adjacent properties are very close to each other, and the windows of one property overlook the other. In such cases, the owner of the property with the windows has to ensure that the other property owner`s privacy is not compromised.

In most cases, a lot line window agreement is required by local zoning laws that regulate the minimum distance between buildings on adjacent properties. This is to ensure that there is no obstruction of views or privacy of the neighboring properties.

Under the terms of a lot line window agreement, the property owner with the windows typically agrees to limit the size and number of windows overlooking the neighboring property. The agreement may also include provisions for the installation of window coverings or other devices to prevent visibility into the adjacent property.

Additionally, a lot line window agreement may also include provisions for compensation. A property owner with the windows may be required to compensate the neighboring property owner for any reduction in value to their property resulting from the loss of privacy. This compensation could be in the form of a one-time payment or an ongoing payment plan.

It`s important to note that a lot line window agreement is a legally binding document that can have significant implications for both parties. As such, it`s important to consult with a real estate attorney to ensure that the agreement is fair and balanced.

In conclusion, if you are a property owner with windows overlooking a neighboring property, it`s important to be aware of the lot line window agreement. This agreement can help protect your neighbor`s privacy and ensure that your property complies with local zoning laws. It`s important to work with a real estate attorney to ensure that the agreement is fair and balanced for both parties.
