What Is a Forward Volatility Agreement


In the world of finance and investments, there are many different types of agreements and contracts that investors can use to manage risk and enhance returns. One of the more interesting and complex financial instruments is the forward volatility agreement (FVA).

So, what exactly is an FVA? In simple terms, it is an agreement between two parties to exchange a specified amount of money based on the future volatility of an underlying asset or index. This can be seen as a way to hedge against changes in market volatility, which can be particularly useful for investors who are exposed to significant risk in their portfolios.

In practice, the FVA is structured as a contract that sets out the terms of the exchange between the two parties. The contract will typically specify the duration of the agreement, the amount of money that will be exchanged, and the specific volatility index or asset that will be used to calculate the payout.

The key to understanding how an FVA works is to understand the concept of implied volatility. Implied volatility is a measure of the expected future volatility of an asset or index, as implied by the prices of options contracts on that asset or index. Options contracts give investors the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an asset at a certain price, and the prices of these contracts can be used to calculate the market`s expectation of volatility.

When an FVA is used, the two parties agree to exchange money based on the future level of implied volatility for a specified asset or index. If the actual volatility turns out to be higher than the implied volatility on the contract, one party will receive money from the other party based on the difference. If the actual volatility is lower than the implied volatility, the opposite will occur.

In practice, FVAs are typically used by institutional investors or hedge funds as a way to manage risk or generate returns. By entering into an FVA, investors can hedge against potential losses caused by a sudden increase in volatility, or they can take advantage of their expectation that volatility will be higher than the market is currently pricing in.

Overall, FVAs are complex financial instruments that require a deep understanding of financial markets and risk management. However, for those who are experienced in finance and investing, they can be a powerful tool for managing risk and generating returns in a challenging and ever-changing market environment.
